Friday, September 24, 2010

Images that jumped out to me.

These are a few pictures that I just felt had a sense of Gothicism in them. The rusted circuit box made me think of something that would be present in a story like Shelley's Frankenstein. The robot made me think of the decline of things and how massive structures will one day be locked away beneath the soil. And the date marker just jumped out to me because of the date, if I was trapped inside a dark room and I saw a date that was over one hundred years old it would give me the goosebumps. There are all kinds of gothic elements within Tuscaloosa. You just have to look, you may have seen them all over, but just didn't know what you were looking at.

Architecture on Campus

I stopped at a couple of buildings that I felt had gothic influences. I first stopped at Clark hall, then Manly and then went around to the courtyard and took a few photos that rung gothic to me. These are the building pictures that I took, and in these you can see the pointed windows large towers at the top of the building and just an overall uncommon design.

The Graveyard

This is pretty self explanatory, it's a graveyard, you can't get anything spookier than this. I went to take these pictures during the daytime and still felt this erie presence surrounding me. Every sound was enhanced, an acorn fell from a tree onto the ground beneath me and it felt as though time stopped for a second. I took these pictures quick, got in my car, and left.

The Southern Mansion

The southern mansion is a great source for gothic elements, with large pillars, creaky stairs, and cold dry basements, the mansion is seen throughout loads of southern gothic literature. For example in the Yellow Wallpaper the setting is in an old mansion.

Nucor Over the Water

Nucor steel is a monstrous behemoth of a building that sits right next to the Black Warrior river. With it's constant fog and sheer size it would be a nice scenario for a story with gothic nature. Just being near this building is intimidating and at night this place might as well be a gateway to the underworld.

Blount Dorm

There are obvious gothic influences in the architecture of the Blount building. The pointed tops and large windows resemble a cathedral and the archways along each side resemble traditional gothic structure. This building is very unique with large tower rooms with chandeliers, turn all the lights off in this bad boy and you'll get in touch with the emotion of fear that is so well known in the subject of Gothicism.